Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Oh what a week and some vintage domesticity

The title says it all. Last week was one full week, joy and challenges in abundance. 

It has been doing lots of this.

Which in turn led to this
(This is where it started.)

(This is where it ended)

Yep, that's my kitchen floor flooding.
(This happen's every time it rains, long complicated story, this one was quiet a small flood)
Lucky I was home.
LOTs of ugliness and chaos ensued.

As it is school holidays and raining, there has been lots of inside fun.
And craziness.

And mud, did I mention the mud.
Oh and of course "We're bored,there's nothing to do"
But we couldn't  leave the house.

It has also left WAyyy too much of this.
(Source unknown, id love to know though? isn't it pretty)

Oh if only...

The truth is more like this
(Not including the massive mounds on the laundry floor not done yet, you see
we can't wash and dry at the same time as it trips the circuit, ahh the joys of an old cottage)

(Impact lab)

And with the man of the house being called away on business unexpectedly for the weekend I was starting to feel a little like this.

Actually, after having to abandon the shopping half way through because it started pouring and waking frequently at silly hrs to protect the house.
The reality is more this.
(No idea where this came from?)

But thanks to a knight in shining armour (in the form of a father in law) who rode in and fixed the flood problem
and babysitters (in the form of the mother in law and cousin) allowing me a full nights sleep and some good time off. 
I was able to do lots of this.
(the joy of nesting)

And achieve such domestic joy as this.

So now I feel better (nothing soothes like a clean tidy house) so clean in fact it would be worthy of a visit from  the vintage housekeeper herself. This woman has saved my domestic backside on many occasions, she is where I go when Im in desperate need of motivation and guidance on all things homely and lovely.

So now the rain has stopped,
The children are happy,
The house is sparkly, dry and warm.
I should be able to get back to normal transmission.


  1. Bless your heart!Our basement floods that same way!It's a pain...I'm glad you had some help and moral support from your family:)

  2. ohh family they do come in handy sometimes.


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