Friday, December 10, 2010

White on

Another lovely bright Swedish apartment.
Im a sucker for white.

 I dream about this much storage!
 Black and white floors in the same house? You know Ive never even considered that possibility.

 Im starting to see the benefits of dark floors.
I think I may be having a colour crisis! 
Loving much!

All Here


  1. So cool! Although I have to say I need to live with a little more colour. Nice lights, too.

  2. Ooo - I like it! I am going through a Swedish fascination at the monent, I've just discovered a few Swedish blogs and although I can't understand their language, their pictures are so inspiring and delightful.

  3. All that gorgeous storage and whiteness. Wouldnt' stay white for long if my boys paid a visit ;-)


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